Friday, March 2, 2012

         I followed two different education blogs. One blog is called "Digital Education- Education Week" while the other is called "Week in Education." Both center around modern education and what changes are being made, or what changes could or should be made. Both blogs have a variety of topics, but I noticed a lot of what the two talk about are new ideas about using technology and social networking in teaching. The audience seems to be any grade level of teacher, K-12. I think both blogs communicate pretty well, but some of the titles are confusing in summing up what the actual blog talks about. However, other than that, the blogs are pretty easy to read and are relatable. For "This Week in Education," there are comments, but not very many. For"Digital Education," the comments cannot be seen without a login.

       As of right now, I would most likely not use blogging in my teaching, but i could think of a few useful ways to use it. For teaching math, I think it might be a fun idea to have the class follow my blog so that any time we have a discussion or a lesson, the class can go to my blog to ask questions and leave comments.


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